Family & Friends Outreach - 2042 42nd Avenue, Oakland, CA 94601


Edna Kay Hall

About 20 plus years ago my grandmother passed from cancer. Because I was unable to help her, I knew that I needed more training. I went into the nursing field and knew that I would be able to help not only family members, but other elderly members in the community. Thus began my career in working with the elderly, the sick, and the shut-in. I have continued in this field until the present.

Also, there was a time in my life when I was homeless. Being homeless is a very difficult life to live. You are constantly worrying about where you going to sleep, where your next meal is coming from, and if there is room in a shelter for the homeless. Homelessness is really hard, but overall God brought me through.

I now understand more of what my purpose in life is. It is for the seniors, and it is for the homeless and the less fortunate. I thank God for all that He has allowed me to go through so that He could get the glory.